



We are here to keep food safe, while keeping the planet safe. Ecolean provides the world with lightweight packages for liquid food, for both ambient and chilled distribution.

About us

This is the story of a company founded in 1996, with a clear vision. A vision of transforming the entire packaging industry with a unique material and a unique packaging format. A vision based on less, designed to save on nature’s resources while ensuring the highest possible food safety, consumer convenience and shelf space visibility.

Ecolean has found a way of producing lightweight liquid food packages, that not only keep food safe, but also minimise resource-use and ultimately your carbon footprint. The Ecolean way is eminent throughout our packaging system, as we focus on customers to help make your production smarter. The Ecolean filling lines take the load of your operators’ everyday hustle. Our service agreement is completely flexible in order to fit your production, rather
than ours. This is how we make your life less complicated and more profitable.

We’re a fast-growing innovator serving well over 30 countries with a new, proactive way of doing business, with China, Pakistan and Vietnam being the largest markets. Ecolean has 450 employees.

Vision statement

To be the best packaging company in the world in the eyes of all our stakeholders.

Mission statement

To provide the world with safe and convenient packaging solutions for liquid food with minimal environmental impact.

Core value statement

We are brave. We always strive to be bolder and better than we were yesterday. We are quick on our feet, and our drive to do better than all others is limitless.

We are innovative. The known is already known and done. Different means a change for the better.

We create less. The world doesn't need more. It needs less. That is what we bring; a lighter solution for the good of the planet.

And yes, this includes you.


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