





&Repeat was founded in early 2020 with the goal of solving the sustainability challenges for packaging in the restaurant industry. We launched our first solution in December 2020 and more is coming! Follow us on Instagram and LinkedIn to keep up with the development!

Why are we needed?

The restaurant industry is growing annually and we eat more and more takeaway outside of our homes.
Sustainabily is a challenge everywhere, and single use packaging while necessary for restaurants and cafes needs to be handled better than today.  

At the same time the gigants of the packaging and waste industry many times lack in innovation. Large corporations that hesistate in making necessary change as short term profits and old business models lead their daily business. Legislation unfortunately too is outdated and does not support new ways of working or reward circularity.

One person cannot do everything, but everybody can do something. Together – industry, legislators and consumers that demand change – we can move mountains and move ahead towards a more sustainable and circular society.


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